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Including all Glasair I, II and III models, Glastars and Sportsmans as well as many other types of homebuilts
As a professional test pilot having performed dozens of first flights for builders in Glasairs, Glastars and Sportsmans I can assure you with peace of and comfort that your aircraft you built is a proven airworthy aircraft.
Dan Dudley
Based at 91C near Madison WI
Even though we specialize in Glasair Aviation aircraft, we do provide and have ample experience with RV's. Lancairs, Long EZ, Zeniths and even experience in recovering fabric aircraft.
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Professionally crafted complete custom avionics panel upgrades
Looking for some professional help on your project? Look no further! With over 25 years of experience construct-ing experimental aircraft from metal to composite and even rag and tube aircraft our professional staff is here to help you finish your project
With a successful sales record we can assure you the sale of your aircraft in a timely manner and provide delivery service as well. We have even sold one flying Glastar in a record 1 day!
Now providing conditional inspections
by a certified A&P mechanic
As a fastly experienced CFII with a professional ATP rating I can provide you with the best professional transition training available in your Glasair, Glastar and Sportsman or as a LODA approved insructor in our aircraft. The ONLY ATP professionally rated Glasair instructor in the transition training business.
A one stop professional services including.........
Builder Assistance
Transition Training
Conditional Inspections
Flight Testing
Aircraft Sales
Avionics work
Panel Upgrades